
In my timeline rollout I’ve saved the aesthetic side of things to the very end, I figure that is the least important part of this.   At the point of writing i’m actually way ahead of where i thought i’d be-  in the last two months i’ve come up to scratch with using Unity and I feel relatively fluent in C#.


– Familiarity with Unity, Coding in C#

– Unity Monobehaviour

– Controllable game properties

– Casting to different game objects and components

– Interactivity through game events, colliders, input controllers

– player controllers

– C# vocabulary

JUNE Skill Development

– Working with Animations in Unity

Importing Animated Assets and keyframes- working in local and world space

Triggering animations with events, tweening between animations

IK and FK, constraints, Rigidbody Physics

Understanding vector math in unity better, manipulating objects through code Euler, Quaternion ect.

-Slerp and Lerp

– Lighting

-Working with footage in unity. Working with alpha channels

– Working with ArKit

Importing Performance data and turning to keyframes

Basic use cases

Creating an interactive face filter

– Working with Visage 

– Working with Facewear

JULY Performance Capture

– Working with VR in Unity

– Motion Capture with Vive and Unity

– Performance Capture 

AUGUST Digital Abstraction of Performance / Stagecraft

-Lighting and Texturing in Unity

-Style and Polish

-Asset Creation, Set Design