

The more I invest in understanding code, the more I see a parallels between it and theatre direction. To be fair, my aim it to create a synthesis and if you spend enough time looking at something, you’re going to generate correlations. It’s what us humans are best at, and it’s what creatives are identified as being the best at, amongst them.

Scene- A space populated by objects.
Actors- Objects with spacial positions in the scene.
Scripts- The Algorithm an Actor can attribute.
Lines- Segments of text imbibed with relative meaning.
Classes- The shared understandings of interpreting scripts.
Arguments- Processing a situation to progress.
Method- Can be called as a particular way of processing complex lines of the script.



Today has been the steepest learning curve yet; a topic I have known I have needed to understand for a long time- Rotations. This would ideally be a private void string ReinforcementOfLearning(). I’m just articulating as succinct as possible for my own reinforcement. Quartertions are a way that Rotations are natively visualised in the transform of a gameobject. They are complex equations that prevent gimbal lock and other phenomenon when a 360 rotation begins to affect the other two rotation axis in unpredictable ways. Quarternions have methods attached to make life easier like Quarternion.lookat, and Quarternion.AngleAxis Slerp is another method that interpolates between to quarternions by a float factor. Lerp, I still need to understand. Quarternions are made up of Euler angles, which are three floats that are turned into vector angles. Finally we have Vector3’s which can represent a normalised direction. Normalised means between 0 and 1. An example is Vector.up, which could be represented as new Vector3(0,1,0) or accessed by Vector3.y. A normalised direction vector can be calculatd by minusing one object transform.position (Vector3) by another. A vector3 can be interpreted as Euler by (Vector3).EulerAngles. A Euler can be interpreted as a Quarternion by Quarternion.Euler(Euler).

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For about three years I was a professional actor. I went through theatre school. I feel like the acting community at large kept me socially at arms reach because I rejected common shared values such as sentimentality and mystical thinking. And it’s true, I dislike actors. But I respect them. ‘Actors are like ducks’, a director once told me, ‘They are gliding beautifully on the surface, but under the water, their feet are furiously kicking to get anywhere.’ .